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Welcome to toytree

Welcome to toytree, a Python library for tree visualization, manipulation, and numerical and evolutionary analyses. If you are new to toytree, head to the User Guide to see examples and learn about its features.


toytree is an object-oriented library built to meet the desire for a framework that combines a Python-based tree object (similar to ete3) with a more modern and minimalist graphical design framework (e.g., like toyplot). toytree has since expanded far beyond this simple goal, and now also provides a suite of subpackages for additional features such as tree manipulation, enumeration, comparison, and evolutionary analyses. In this respect, toytree aims to fill a similar role for Python as the packages 'ape' and 'phytools' do in the R language.


toytree is purposefully designed to promote interactive use within jupyter notebooks where users can make use of modern Python and web development features such as tab-completion and interactive plotting that make it easy to learn and use. toytree can also serve as a powerful but lightweight addition to other Python projects to provide efficient tree-based and phylogenetic algorithms.


  • style: beautiful "out-of-the-box” tree drawings that require minimal styling.
  • customization: drawings are highly customizable and export to PDF, SVG, or HTML.
  • extendable: tree drawings are easily combined with scatterplots, barplots, etc.
  • io: easily and flexibly parse tree data from newick, nexus, or extended NHX formats.
  • mod: manipulate tree topology, rooting, and data using efficient algorithms.
  • distance: calculate distances between trees (e.g., RF) or nodes on trees (e.g., paths).
  • enum: enumerate tree partitions (e.g., quartets, bipartitions) or tree space.
  • multitree: visualize or analyze sets of trees (e.g., cloud_trees, consensus).
  • rtree: efficiently generate random trees for testing, demonstration, or research.
  • network: parse and plot phylogenetic networks.
  • reproducibility: simple and readable code.
  • minimalism: few dependencies, easy installation, organized modular code base.
  • and more: Have a feature request? Raise a ticket on GitHub.