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Welcome to toytree

Welcome to toytree, a Python library for tree visualization, manipulation, and numerical and evolutionary analyses.


toytree is an object-oriented library built to meet the desire for a framework that combines a Python-based tree object (similar to ete3) with a more modern and minimalist graphical design framework (e.g., like toyplot). toytree has since expanded far beyond this simple goal, and now also provides a suite of subpackages for additional features such as tree manipulation, enumeration, comparison, and evolutionary analyses. In this respect, toytree aims to fill a similar role for Python as the packages 'ape' and 'phytools' do in the R language.


toytree is purposefully designed to promote interactive use within jupyter notebooks where users can make use of modern Python and web development features such as tab-completion and interactive plotting that make it easy to learn and use. toytree can also serve as a powerful but lightweight addition to other Python projects to provide efficient tree-based and phylogenetic algorithms.


  • style: beautiful "out-of-the-box” tree drawings that require minimal styling.
  • customization: drawings are highly customizable and export to PDF, SVG, or HTML.
  • extendable: tree drawings are easily combined with scatterplots, barplots, etc.
  • io: easily and flexibly parse tree data from newick, nexus, or extended NHX formats.
  • mod: manipulate tree topology, rooting, and data using efficient algorithms.
  • distance: calculate distances between trees (e.g., RF) or nodes on trees (e.g., paths).
  • enum: enumerate tree partitions (e.g., quartets, bipartitions) or tree space.
  • multitree: visualize or analyze sets of trees (e.g., cloud_trees, consensus).
  • rtree: efficiently generate random trees for testing, demonstration, or research.
  • network: parse and plot phylogenetic networks.
  • reproducibility: simple and readable code.
  • minimalism: few dependencies, easy installation, organized modular code base.
  • and more: Have a feature request? Raise a ticket on GitHub.