Malaga, Spain 2019
Deren Eaton, Columbia Univesity
Isaac Overcast, City College of New York
By the end of class you should be able to:
1. Branching: How to assemble multiple data sets under different parameter settings.
2. How to use the ipyrad API (Python).
It starts a server (the hub) that will open in your browser (you've seen this). From there, you can start notebooks that run a kernel (e.g., Python session) which you can interact with through the browser.
# Starting jupyter from the command line
$ jupyter-notebook
Select [New] and then [Python 3]
Code cells (Python), Markdown cells (rich text)
Code cells (Python), Markdown cells (rich text)
In the ipyrad CLI we use the '-n' flag
# CLI (terminal): create a new Assembly named "test"
$ ipyrad -n test
In the ipyrad API we create an Assembly object
# API (Python session): create a new Assembly named "test"
$ data = ip.Assembly("test")
The API allows us to interactively set parameters, run assembly, etc.
# create the Assembly object
data = ip.Assembly("test")
# show the params
0 assembly_name test
1 project_dir ~
2 raw_fastq_path
3 barcodes_path
4 sorted_fastq_path
5 assembly_method denovo
6 reference_sequence
7 datatype rad
8 restriction_overhang ('TGCAG', '')
9 max_low_qual_bases 5
10 phred_Qscore_offset 33
Setting params can take advantage of tab-completion
# set some parameters and try typing the first part and hitting [tab]
data.params.raw_fastq_path = "/home/jovyan/ro-data/ipsimdata/gbs_example_R1_.fastq.gz"
data.params.barcodes_path = "/home/jovyan/ro-data/ipsimdata/gbs_example_R1_.fastq.gz"
data.params.datatype = "gbs"
0 assembly_name test
1 project_dir ~
2 raw_fastq_path /home/jovyan/ro-data/ipsimdata/gbs_example_R1_.fastq.gz
3 barcodes_path /home/jovyan/ro-data/ipsimdata/gbs_barcodes.fastq.gz
4 sorted_fastq_path
5 assembly_method denovo
6 reference_sequence
7 datatype gbs
8 restriction_overhang ('TGCAG', '')
9 max_low_qual_bases 5
10 phred_Qscore_offset 33
The seven steps of assembly
Start a different assembly from a previous checkpoint
Create a new branch from an existing assembly.
# branching in the CLI
$ ipyrad -p params-simdata.txt -b newdata
loading Assembly: simdata
from saved path: ~/Documents/ipyrad/tests/simdata.json
creating a new branch called 'newdata' with 12 Samples
writing new params file to params-newdata.txt
Create a new branch from an existing assembly.
# branching in the CLI
$ ipyrad -p params-simdata.txt -b newdata - 1A_0 1B_0
loading Assembly: simdata
from saved path: ~/Documents/ipyrad/tests/simdata.json
dropping 2 samples
creating a new branch called 'newdata' with 10 Samples
writing new params file to params-newdata.txt
Create a new branch from an existing assembly.
# branching in the API
data1 = ip.Assembly("data1")
data1.params.clust_threshold = 0.85
# create a branch with different params
data2 = data1.branch("data2")
data2.params.clust_threshold = 0.90
# run both assemblies through steps 1-7"1234567")"1234567")
Even if data was assembled w/ CLI, API can be useful afterwards.
# load the assembly in the API
data = ip.load_json("/home/jovyan/work/simdata.json")
# show stats of the assembly
# show output file paths of the assembly
Infer gene trees and species trees, even over relatively deep evolutionary time scales (~100 Ma).
Many other tools can be used with the output files as well.
# load the ipyrad analysis tools
import ipyrad.analysis as ipa
# run raxml with ipa
rax = ipa.raxml(
# run the analysis
Infer gene trees and species trees from RAD-seq data.