To understand that genomes are data -- a set of instructions, and a record of history -- and to learn to use this information to test hypotheses.
Based on readings and discussions from the primary literature (free).
Through computational exercises in class and as assignments.
# simulate a chromosome from a coalescent tree_sequence
tree_sequence = ms.simulate(
## calculate linkage disequilibrium across the chromosome
ldx = ms.LdCalculator(tree_sequence).get_r2_matrix()
What methods exist and when to choose one over another.
Learn to design, conduct, and analyze genomic experiments. By the end of class you should be able to:
1. Describe the structure of genomes; what information can be extracted.
2. Choose appropriate sequencing technologies for genomic experiments.
3. Analyze genomic data using computational methods.
1. Discuss previous reading and review previous assignments.
2. Introduce new topics.
3. Assign readings and assignments on the new topic.
- Mon. assigned work load will be light, Wed. will be intensive.
- Assignments are due before the start of next class, else score=0.
Propose a novel use/question/investigation using a modern genomic
technology; or propose an idea for a new technology/method, how it
would work, and why it would be useful.
This activity will require synthesizing knowledge about technologies
we have learned, and about the data contained within genomes.
Black Rock Forest Hands-on Portable Genomic Sequencing in the Field
4/26-4/27 (Fri-Sat) Let us know immediately if you cannot make it.
Assignments (50%)
Midterm (15%)
Participation/Quizzes (15%)
Project Proposal (5%)
Project Presentation (5%)
Final trip report (10%)
You can discuss the assignment with each other,
including on the course chatroom on Courseworks.
However, you should not post complete answers on
the chatroom, and you cannot work together in groups
to complete assignments or share answers.
We have office hours available between each class
that you can use to seek extra help with assignments
if needed.
- Everything runs in the cloud.
- You do not need to worry about installing any software.
- You can run your assignments on *any* computer.
- If you completely screw up an assignment you must
ask us to reset your unit for you.
Always know where you are and where your files are.
# The root (top) of the entire filesystem (used for writing full paths).
$ /
# Here, in my current directory (used for writing relative paths).
$ ./
# Up one directory from my current directory (a relative path).
$ ../
Always know where you are and where your files are.
# show the files and folders in a location (default target is cur dir)
$ ls
# show result as a list for cur dir.
$ ls -l ./
# show another location on the filesystem
$ ls -l /bin/
# move to a new location. This becomes your new cur dir.
$ cd folder/
Your location (current directory) starts from / (the root) and is described by a nested set of directory names leading to your location.
# use 'pwd' program with no option or target to ask where am I now?
$ pwd
We can make new directories and change our location.
# make a new directory (mkdir is the program, genomics is the target)
$ mkdir genomics
# change directory (move) into the new directory and run pwd again
$ cd genomics
$ pwd
There are many great tutorials, and google always has an answer. If you have no background in using the terminal then you should complete the Linux Command Line Tutorial on Codio, listed under the Courses tab on the left.
It starts a server (the hub) that will open in your browser. From there, you can start notebooks that run a kernel (e.g., Python session) which you can interact with through the browser.
# Starting jupyter from the command line
$ jupyter-notebook
Select [New] and then [Python 3]
Select Notebooks (.ipynb) from the left file menu.
Code cells (Python), Markdown cells (rich text)
Code cells (Python), Markdown cells (rich text)