How to most accurately reconstruct the
evolutionary history of organisms from their genomes?

How genomics and evolutionary inference can
be used to reconstruct historical
ecological interactions among species?

Botanical Collections-based Research

Global research program contributing thousands of specimens to herbaria

Computational Genomics and Methods Development

Development of software tools for research and education

Diversity and Divergence and Geographic and Genomic Scales

  • 1. Biodiversity research using low-cost genomic genotyping.
  • 2. Methods and software development: 'recombination-aware' phylogenomics.
  • 3. Reproductive and genomic diversity in a biodiversity hotspot.

Phylogenomic sampling

Decreasing costs have made it relatively easy to generate large genomic datasets

Phylogenomic sampling

Characterize whole genomes from a subset of sequenced markers.

Genealogical variation

It is important to examine evolutionary history across the entire genome.

Historical introgression/admixture

Introgression is common throughout the history of many lineages.

pyRAD and ipyrad software development

Assemble and analyze RAD-seq type data for phylogenetic datasets.

Biodiversity/Systematics Research (and many collaborations)

  • Eaton & Ree (2013) SysBio ***
  • Wang, Zhao, Eaton, Li & Guo (2013) Mol. Ecol. Res.
  • Escudero, Eaton, Hahn & Hipp (2014) MPE
  • Cavender-Bares, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Eaton & Hipp (2015), Mol. Ecol.
  • Eaton, Hipp, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Cavender-Bares (2015), Evolution
  • Eaton, Spriggs, Park & Donoghue (2017), SysBio
  • Forsman, Knapp, Tisthammer, Eaton, Belcaid and Toonen (2017), MPE
  • Federman, Donoghue, Daly & Eaton (2018), PLoS One
  • Miller Quinzin, Edwards, Eaton, ... & Caccone (2018), Heredity
  • Park, Sinnot-Armstrong, Schlutius, ... Eaton, & Donoghue (2019), Ann. Bot.
  • Spriggs, Eaton, Sweeney, Schlutius, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Spriggs, Schlutius, Eaton, Park, Sweeney, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Paetzold, Wood, Eaton, Wagner & Appelhans (2019), Front Plant Sci.
  • Satler, Herrre, Jander, Eaton, Machado, Heath & Nason (2019), Evolution.
  • Bombonato, Amaral, Silva, ... Eaton, ... & Franco (2020), MPE.
  • Landis, Eaton, Clement, Spriggs, Sweeney & Donoghue (2021), SysBio
  • Zuluaga, van der Werff, Park, Eaton, ... & Donoghue (2021) AJB
  • Guo, Ma, Yang, Ye, Guo, Liu, Eaton & Li (2021), SysBio
  • Amaral, Yano, Oliveira, Brito, Bonatelli, ... Eaton & Franco (2021), J. BioGeog.
  • [Donoghue, Eaton], Maya-Lastra, Landis, ... & Edwards (2022), Nat. Ecol. Evol..
  • Satler, Herre, Heath, Machado, ... Eaton & Nason (2023), Ecol. & Evol.
  • Stubbs, Theodoridis, Carrera, ... Eaton... & Conti (2023), New Phyt.

Biodiversity/Systematics Research (and many collaborations)

  • Eaton & Ree (2013) SysBio
  • Wang, Zhao, Eaton, Li & Guo (2013) Mol. Ecol. Res.
  • Escudero, Eaton, Hahn & Hipp (2014) MPE
  • Cavender-Bares, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Eaton & Hipp (2015), Mol. Ecol.
  • Eaton, Hipp, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Cavender-Bares (2015), Evolution ***
  • Eaton, Spriggs, Park & Donoghue (2017), SysBio
  • Forsman, Knapp, Tisthammer, Eaton, Belcaid and Toonen (2017), MPE
  • Federman, Donoghue, Daly & Eaton (2018), PLoS One ***
  • Miller Quinzin, Edwards, Eaton, ... & Caccone (2018), Heredity
  • Park, Sinnot-Armstrong, Schlutius, ... Eaton, & Donoghue (2019), Ann. Bot.
  • Spriggs, Eaton, Sweeney, Schlutius, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Spriggs, Schlutius, Eaton, Park, Sweeney, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Paetzold, Wood, Eaton, Wagner & Appelhans (2019), Front Plant Sci.
  • Satler, Herrre, Jander, Eaton, Machado, Heath & Nason (2019), Evolution.
  • Bombonato, Amaral, Silva, ... Eaton, ... & Franco (2020), MPE.
  • Landis, Eaton, Clement, Spriggs, Sweeney & Donoghue (2021), SysBio
  • Zuluaga, van der Werff, Park, Eaton, ... & Donoghue (2021) AJB
  • Guo, Ma, Yang, Ye, Guo, Liu, Eaton & Li (2021), SysBio
  • Amaral, Yano, Oliveira, Brito, Bonatelli, ... Eaton & Franco (2021), J. BioGeog.
  • [Donoghue, Eaton], Maya-Lastra, Landis, ... & Edwards (2022), Nat. Ecol. Evol..
  • Satler, Herre, Heath, Machado, ... Eaton & Nason (2023), Ecol. & Evol.
  • Stubbs, Theodoridis, Carrera, ... Eaton... & Conti (2023), New Phyt.

Biodiversity/Systematics Research (and many collaborations)

  • Eaton & Ree (2013) SysBio
  • Wang, Zhao, Eaton, Li & Guo (2013) Mol. Ecol. Res.
  • Escudero, Eaton, Hahn & Hipp (2014) MPE
  • Cavender-Bares, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Eaton & Hipp (2015), Mol. Ecol.
  • Eaton, Hipp, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Cavender-Bares (2015), Evolution ***
  • Eaton, Spriggs, Park & Donoghue (2017), SysBio
  • Forsman, Knapp, Tisthammer, Eaton, Belcaid and Toonen (2017), MPE
  • Federman, Donoghue, Daly & Eaton (2018), PLoS One ***
  • Miller Quinzin, Edwards, Eaton, ... & Caccone (2018), Heredity
  • Park, Sinnot-Armstrong, Schlutius, ... Eaton, & Donoghue (2019), Ann. Bot.
  • Spriggs, Eaton, Sweeney, Schlutius, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Spriggs, Schlutius, Eaton, Park, Sweeney, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Paetzold, Wood, Eaton, Wagner & Appelhans (2019), Front Plant Sci.
  • Satler, Herrre, Jander, Eaton, Machado, Heath & Nason (2019), Evolution.
  • Bombonato, Amaral, Silva, ... Eaton, ... & Franco (2020), MPE.
  • Landis, Eaton, Clement, Spriggs, Sweeney & Donoghue (2021), SysBio
  • Zuluaga, van der Werff, Park, Eaton, ... & Donoghue (2021) AJB
  • Guo, Ma, Yang, Ye, Guo, Liu, Eaton & Li (2021), SysBio
  • Amaral, Yano, Oliveira, Brito, Bonatelli, ... Eaton & Franco (2021), J. BioGeog.
  • [Donoghue, Eaton], Maya-Lastra, Landis, ... & Edwards (2022), Nat. Ecol. Evol..
  • Satler, Herre, Heath, Machado, ... Eaton & Nason (2023), Ecol. & Evol.
  • Stubbs, Theodoridis, Carrera, ... Eaton... & Conti (2023), New Phyt.

Biodiversity/Systematics Research (and many collaborations)

  • Eaton & Ree (2013) SysBio
  • Wang, Zhao, Eaton, Li & Guo (2013) Mol. Ecol. Res.
  • Escudero, Eaton, Hahn & Hipp (2014) MPE
  • Cavender-Bares, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Eaton & Hipp (2015), Mol. Ecol.
  • Eaton, Hipp, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Cavender-Bares (2015), Evolution
  • Eaton, Spriggs, Park & Donoghue (2017), SysBio
  • Forsman, Knapp, Tisthammer, Eaton, Belcaid and Toonen (2017), MPE
  • Federman, Donoghue, Daly & Eaton (2018), PLoS One ***
  • Miller Quinzin, Edwards, Eaton, ... & Caccone (2018), Heredity
  • Park, Sinnot-Armstrong, Schlutius, ... Eaton, & Donoghue (2019), Ann. Bot.
  • Spriggs, Eaton, Sweeney, Schlutius, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Spriggs, Schlutius, Eaton, Park, Sweeney, Edwards & Donoghue (2019), SysBio
  • Paetzold, Wood, Eaton, Wagner & Appelhans (2019), Front Plant Sci.
  • Satler, Herrre, Jander, Eaton, Machado, Heath & Nason (2019), Evolution.
  • Bombonato, Amaral, Silva, ... Eaton, ... & Franco (2020), MPE.
  • Landis, Eaton, Clement, Spriggs, Sweeney & Donoghue (2021), SysBio
  • Zuluaga, van der Werff, Park, Eaton, ... & Donoghue (2021) AJB
  • Guo, Ma, Yang, Ye, Guo, Liu, Eaton & Li (2021), SysBio
  • Amaral, Yano, Oliveira, Brito, Bonatelli, ... Eaton & Franco (2021), J. BioGeog.
  • [Donoghue, Eaton], Maya-Lastra, Landis, ... & Edwards (2022), Nat. Ecol. Evol..
  • Satler, Herre, Heath, Machado, ... Eaton & Nason (2023), Ecol. & Evol.
  • Stubbs, Theodoridis, Carrera, ... Eaton... & Conti (2023), New Phyt.

Replicated radiation of Leaf Forms in Viburnum

Field collecting (2014-2019)

Low cost genotyping for phylogenomics across phylogenetic scales

Parallel Leaf Variation (Ecotypes/species) in Isolated Cloud Forests

Parallel Leaf Variation (Ecotypes/species) in Isolated Cloud Forests

Geographic and Introgression analyses support a Replicated Radiation

RADCamp Workshop: Interactive Introduction to Genomics

  • We run a 4-day (2-part) workshop to generate data and analyze it.
  • RAD-seq as an introduction to genomics (wetlab and bionformatics).
  • By sharing/multiplexing costs are very cheap (<$10/sample).
  • COMPLETELY FREE for participants.
  • Prioritize women and students from URM backgrounds.
  • Funding from NSF, SSB, AGA, and SSE.

Diversity and Divergence and Geographic and Genomic Scales

  • 1. Biodiversity research using low-cost genomic genotyping.
  • 2. Methods and software development: 'recombination-aware' phylogenomics.
  • 3. Reproductive and genomic diversity in a biodiversity hotspot.

Teaching Methods and Software Development

"Hack the Planet" course: introduces students to scientific coding skills while guiding them through the process of developing and distributing a software tool.

Mentoring Methods and Software Development

Shadie: A Python wrapper to perform SLiM simulations of plant life cycles.

Mentoring Methods and Software Development

Traversome: Hybrid PanGenome Assembler from Mixed Samples

Mentoring Methods and Software Development

superMCC: Iteratively applies BPP to calibrate node ages on large trees

Mentoring Methods and Software Development

ipcoal: integrates msprime coalescent simulations with species tree & network inference.

A Unifying Software Tool

toytree: Python-based Tree object, manipulation, visualization, and evol. analysis library.

How to most accurately reconstruct the
evolutionary history of organisms from *whole* genomes?

Genealogical variation

Genomes are composed of a mosaic of segments inherited from different ancestors,
each separated by past recombination events.

Consequently, genealogical relationships vary spatially across genomes.

Multispecies coalescent assumptions

The multispecies coalescent (MSC) describes the expected distribution of unlinked genealogies, as a function of demographic model parameters (N$_e$, $\tau$, topology).

Multispecies coalescent assumptions

The multispecies coalescent (MSC) describes the expected distribution of unlinked genealogies, as a function of demographic model parameters (N$_e$, $\tau$, topology).

The expected distribution of linked genealogical variation is poorly characterized.

What is the expectation for the distribution of
linked genealogical variation?

How does it relate to demographic model parameters?

Why care about local genealogical variation?

  • Subsampling unlinked loci effectively discards >99% genomic info.
  • Ignoring linkage introduces bias (concatalescence; Gatesy 2013).
  • Local ancestry is informative about selection and introgression.

Why care about local genealogical variation?

(Martin & Belleghem 2017)

Why care about local genealogical variation?

  • Subsampling unlinked loci effectively discards >99% genomic info.
  • Ignoring linkage introduces bias (concatalescence; Gatesy 2013).
  • Local ancestry is informative about selection and introgression.
  • We lack a null expectation for spatial genealogical variation.

Multispecies Sequentially Markov Coalescent

  • Background: SMC' and waiting distances.
  • Our new extension: MS-SMC waiting distances.
  • Validation of analytical results to simulations.
  • New framework for MSC model likelhoods from linked genealogies.
  • Future of 'spatial-genomic' phylogenetics.

Sequentially Markov Coalescent (McVean and Cardin, 2005)

An approximation of the coalescent with recombination

Given a starting genealogy a change to the next genealogy is modeled as a Markov process — a single transition — which enables a tractable likelihood framework.

Process: recombination occurs w/ uniform probability anywhere on a tree (t$_{1}$), creating a detached subtree, which re-coalesces above t$_{1}$ with an ancestral lineage.

SMC' is widely used in HMM methods

PSMC (Li & Durbin 2011), MSMC (Schiffels & Durbin 2014), use pairwise coalescent times between sequential genealogies to infer changes in N$_e$ through time.

ARGweaver (Rasmussen et al. 2014) and ARGweaver-D (Hubisz & Siepel 2020) use an SMC'-based conditional sampling method to infer ARGs from sequence data.

Currently, we extract a fairly limited amount of
spatial information from genomes.

Categorical event outcomes under the SMC'

(a) no-change; (b-c) tree-change; and (d) topology-change.

(Deng et al. 2021)

Estimating waiting distances under the SMC'

Expected Tree and Topology Distances represent new spatial genetic information.

Estimating waiting distances under the SMC'

Expected Tree and Topology Distances represent new spatial genetic information.

Estimating waiting distances under the SMC'

Expected Tree and Topology Distances represent new spatial genetic information.

A multispecies extension to estimating waiting distances

Barriers to coalescence and variable N$_e$ among species tree intervals.

Patrick McKenzie
PhD student

Extending SMC' waiting distance estimation

Genealogy embedding table with piecewise constant coal rates in
all intervals between coal events or population intervals.

MS-SMC analytical solutions

\[ \mathbb{P}(\text{tree-unchanged} | \mathcal{S}, \mathcal{G}, b, t_r) = \int_{t_r}^{t^u_b} \frac{1}{2N(\tau)} e^{-\int_{t_r}^\tau \frac{A(s)}{2N(s)}ds} d\tau \]
\[ \mathbb{P}(\textrm{tree-unchanged} | \mathcal{S},\mathcal{G},b) = \frac{1}{t^u_b-t^l_b} \int_{t_b^l}^{t_b^u} \mathbb{P}(\textrm{tree-unchanged} | \mathcal{S},\mathcal{G},b,t)dt \]
\[ \mathbb{P}(\textrm{tree-unchanged} | \mathcal{S},\mathcal{G}) = \sum_{b \in \mathcal{G}} \left[\frac{t^u_b - t^l_b}{L(\mathcal{G})}\right] \mathbb{P}(\textrm{tree-unchanged} | \mathcal{S},\mathcal{G},b) \]

Branch specific SMC' probabilities

Unlike single-pop models which exhibit monotonic probabilities over the length of a branch, MSC models exhibit variable rates (both $k$ and N$_e$ can change).

Exponentially distributed waiting distances

Expected number of sites until a recombination event is observed.

\[ \lambda_{r} = L(\mathcal{G}) \times r \]
\[ \lambda_{n} = L(\mathcal{G}) \times r \times \mathbb{P}(\text{tree-unchanged} | \mathcal{S},\mathcal{G}) \]
\[ \lambda_{g} = L(\mathcal{G}) \times r \times \mathbb{P}(\text{tree-changed} | \mathcal{S},\mathcal{G}) \]
\[ \lambda_{t} = L(\mathcal{G}) \times r \times \mathbb{P}(\text{topology-changed} | \mathcal{S},\mathcal{G}) \]

Exponentially distributed waiting distances


Analytical results match expectation of stochastic coalescent simulations.

Analytical solution allows us to fit models

Calculate the likelihood of an ARG given a species tree (S)

Likelihood surface: single N$_e$

Topology-changes are more informative than tree-changes; optima at true sim. values.
Example: loci=50, length=0.1Mb, recomb=2e-9, samples-per-lineage=4.

Joint inference of multiple MSC model parameters

Metropolis Hastings MCMC converges on correct w/ increasing data.
Example: loci=50, length=0.1Mb, recomb=2e-9, samples-per-lineage=4.

Conclusions: Multispecies Sequentially Markov Coalescent

  • We extended method of Deng et al. (2021) to MSC models
  • New likelihood framework to fit MSC models from waiting distances!
  • Enables new continuous recombination-aware phylo. inference.
  • Manuscript: McKenzie & Eaton (2023) Biorxiv (In review)
  • Implemented at

Diversity and Divergence and Geographic and Genomic Scales

  • 1. Biodiversity research using low-cost genomic genotyping.
  • 2. Methods and software development: 'recombination-aware' phylogenomics.
  • 3. Reproductive and genomic diversity in a biodiversity hotspot.

Floral diversity in Pedicularis

Pedicularis L. (Orobanchaceae)

  • >600 species globally, >300 endemic to Hengduan Mountains.
  • Spectacular floral diversity; convergent evolution (Ree 2005)
  • Occur in species rich assemblages (5-12)
  • High potential for reproductive conflicts
  • Very rarely form hybrids

Reproductive interference

Negative fitness consequences imposed by one organism on another by disrupting successful reproduction.

Morphological terminology

Mechanical isolation

The beak of the galea directs pollen placement and pickup.

Elongate styles

Have evolved multiple times independently (Ree 2005) and facilitate pollen tube competition (Tong and Huang 2016).

Reproductive Interference

Transcription response in styles and pollen tubes during con- and heterospecific crosses in natural communities at RMBL in Colorado.


Linking Phylogenetic Inference at Genome-wide and Genealogical Scales


Linking Phylogenetic Inference at Genome-wide and Genealogical Scales

  • 7 chromosome-scale genome assemblies (also for MS-SMC case study)


Linking Phylogenetic Inference at Genome-wide and Genealogical Scales

  • 7 chromosome-scale genome assemblies (also for MS-SMC case study)
  • Massive 3RAD sequencing of species and population diversity
    (117 species, >1,000 specimens).


Linking Phylogenetic Inference at Genome-wide and Genealogical Scales

  • 7 chromosome-scale genome assemblies (also for MS-SMC case study)
  • Massive 3RAD sequencing of species and population diversity
    (117 species, >1,000 specimens).
  • Flower and leaf transcriptomes for ~80 species representing convergent phenotypes: beak length, tube length, and color for PhyloGWAS.


Linking Phylogenetic Inference at Genome-wide and Genealogical Scales

  • 7 chromosome-scale genome assemblies (also for MS-SMC case study)
  • Massive 3RAD sequencing of species and population diversity
    (117 species, >1,000 specimens).
  • Flower and leaf transcriptomes for ~80 species representing convergent phenotypes: beak length, tube length, and color for PhyloGWAS.
  • 3D morphometric models of flowers constructed by photogrammetry.

Diversity and Divergence and Geographic and Genomic Scales

  • 1. Biodiversity research using low-cost genomic genotyping.
  • 2. Methods and software development: 'spatial' phylogenomics.
  • 3. Reproductive and genomic diversity in a biodiversity hotspot.

Case 1: Species Interactions and character displacement

Divergent selection is greater between populations in sympatry than allopatry (e.g., benthic/limnetic sticklebacks) to reduce competition for limited resources.

Case 1: Species Interactions and character displacement

The challenge/opportunity in Pedicularis is that there are many interacting species, and many have convergent phenotypes. We need a community model of character displacement.

Reproductive character displacement

Hypothesis: Differences among populations (within species) are a result of interspecific interactions driving character displacement in local communities.

Case study: Pedicularis cranolopha