Botany 2019, Tucson
1. Phylogenomic data generation
2. Species tree inference
3. Network/admixture inference
4. Reproductive isolation and phylogenomics
5. Advances on the horizon...
Quality reference genome assemblies are now generally obtainable.
Quality reference genome assemblies are now generally obtainable.
> Long read technologies (e.g., Oxford Nanopore)
Quality reference genome assemblies are now generally obtainable.
> Long range scaffolding technologies (e.g., Chicago, Hi-C)
Caveat: requires large(ish) quantities of (fresh/flash frozen) leaf tissue.
Caveat: requires large(ish) quantities of (fresh/flash frozen) leaf tissue.
1. WGS-reseq: relatively affordable, future of shallow-scale.
2. RAD-seq: affordable for shallow-scale or many many samples.
3. Target-capture: Bread and butter for deep-scale.
1. Phylogenomic data generation
2. Species tree inference
3. Network/admixture inference
4. Reproductive isolation and phylogenomics
5. Advances on the horizon...
Different genomic regions have different genealogical histories.
Different genomic regions have different genealogical histories.
Joint gene tree & species tree inference (e.g., *BEAST, BPP)
Summary inference based on gene-tree inputs (e.g., ASTRAL)
Quartet joining with fast inference from SNPS (e.g., SVDQuartets)
1. Phylogenomic data generation
2. Species tree inference
3. Network/admixture inference
4. Reproductive isolation and phylogenomics
5. Advances on the horizon...
Different genomic regions have different genealogical histories.
Summary inference based on gene-tree inputs (e.g., Phylonet, SNAQ)
Joint gene tree & network inference (e.g., Phylonet, BEAST2)
Different genomic regions have different genealogical histories.
Different genomic regions have different genealogical histories.
Wen et al. (2016)
1. Phylogenomic data generation
2. Species tree inference
3. Network/admixture inference
4. Reproductive isolation and phylogenomics
5. Advances on the horizon...
Are introgressive patterns concordant with reproductive traits, or geography?
Folk et al. (2018)
Sliding windows can reveal interplay of introgression and selection
Martin et al. (2017)
1. Phylogenomic data generation
2. Species tree inference
3. Network/admixture inference
4. Reproductive isolation and phylogenomics
5. Advances on the horizon...
Sliding windows reveal genealogical variation; but what is our expectation?
Species tree/network models could provide a better null.
Martin et al. (2017)
Recombination rate are correlated with retention of introgressed blocks
But such data are not readily available for many taxa...
Martin et al. (2019)
> Increased availability of genome-wide comparative data
> Hierarchical model inference (e.g., species trees/networks)
> Spatial investigation (e.g., sliding windows)
> Introgression in the context of biology (traits, geography, selection)
> Combining spatial and hierarchical models